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One of the hardest thing to do is letting go of ones plans.

 One of the hardest thing to do is letting go of ones plans.

 Imagine you planned to go to the market today to buy food stuff. You even prayed about it that morning and you planned to go out by 10am. But  somehow @ 9:40am it began to rain heavily. It was like a joke but it didn't stop raining. It rained all day and because you had no umbrella or means of transportation you decided to just stay back at home. You were hungry. You thought of something you could just put together but remembered that there was no gas in your gas cylinder, you were going to refill after the market runs.

You didn't know whether to cry🥲 or to laugh.😀 But the hunger pangs you felt made it so real even when you were trying to forget about it.

The question on your mind was,  "why didn't God warn me ahead? Why today that I have nothing at home?" Why this and why that. 

At 8pm when the rain finally stopped and you thought that was it for the day. You were going to sleep hungry.  Guess what? You heard a knock at your door,  opening the door you recognized your friends voice. "What was she doing here at this time of the evening?"  You wondered. She Apologized for not coming earlier, she wanted to have lady's time with you and she came with food, drinks and pastries for a sleep over. 

You couldn't believe it. But there she was smiling at you and apologizing for not coming early. At first she misinterpreted your expression for being pissed not knowing that you were just overwhelmed with so much joy that God had sent her to you that night. 

As you talked and laughed over a scene in the movie, she narrated to you the sad incidence that took place earlier in the market.( You didn't have data to even read the news online). 

Some unknown gunmen came to the market and some persons were shot. You asked what time it happened. You were told around 10am. You got down on your kneels. Apologized to God for what you said earlier and thanked him for the great deliverance because you could have been in the market at 10am if not for the rain. It could have been you.


1) Make plans but be very flexible to allow God's will to be done in your life, business, career,  family, ministry. 

2) Instead of getting depressed when your plans don't work out, praise God for His faithfulness. It will strengthen your faith.

3) Always remember that God has a perfect plan for your life. And align to it.

4) God is too faithful to fail you. All things will eventually walk together for your good because you love the Lord and you are called according to His purpose.

5) Learn to say "I may not understand, but I trust you Jesus. I trust your heart and your intentions for me. "

6) Sometimes God may be keeping you from a bad events or something like in this analogy above. Most of us have had similar experiences. Raise your hands if you have.😁 I have actually had. A lot sef. Not something as bad as taking my life but something negative. 

See, If you planned, prayed and  worked towards your plans but it didn't end up as you thought it would. Take a step back, and try to analyze why. If it's something you failed to do by all means adjust and try again but if it was something beyond your control, let go. And be thankful to God. No kill yourself o. 😁😃 

In all things give thanks.

Jeremiah 29:11"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


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